Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Burning out

This morning it was hard to get going. Jesse left and we wandered over to a seminar on "How to make a Bucket List". Sounds a bit boring but we actually have TWO Bucket Lists!!

The seminar was pretty good with examples of what the presenters had on theirs and how they financed it, what to add and what to delete. The audience got well into things to do.

Our two lists are for different purposes.
One's the things to do before we die, the other is things to do before we leave San Diego, we did a couple of things on that list a month or so back and blogged them.

After that we went round the vendor area, back to the rig for a nap, made lunch, napped some more then went over to the RV show for free wine and cheese. Unfortunately we napped too long the last time and only got one free wine so we ended up at John and Debbie's again snacking and drinking beer.

Man this RV'ing thing is hard work.

I did a little drawing over the last couple of days. My online art club have a monthly challenge. They publish a photograph and everyone tries to paint or draw it. We all vote at the end of the month for the winner. This month's challenge for drawing is a monkey. Here's my attempt.
Monkey drawn with regular colored pencils

At 7 we went to "Ham O'Rama" where fellow RV'ers demonstrate their musical abilities. (Or occasionally the lack of them). One gentleman on an accordion got the room to it's feet. Several acts were very good indeed.

Tomorrow is the last full day of the Rally. Boy that went quick.

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