Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Post cruise blues?


A mountain of laundry, doctors for Barbara, inches of dust around the house from a sand storm when we were away and restocking the empty fridge took up the rest of the week.

You only have to be home for a week before the memories of the last trip start to fade! We got back into our “Winter Season” here in Casa Grande with meals out with our friends and the warm friendly atmosphere soon had us enveloped.

3 weeks on the ship hadn’t really messed me up with my vertigo but strangely once on dry land it started bothering me again! Barbara meanwhile had borrowed a cane to help her try and walk.

For a short while poor Barb was using a walker
She called the doctor and made an appointment to get the knee X-Ray’d but by the time she got to see the specialist the knee was getting better on it’s own! They told her it was arthritis and eventually she may need a knee replacement. How long that might take is apparently in the lap of the gods!

Just to settle down for the rest of the winter we went on a trip!

Who would have thunk it!

The RV park was running a bus trip to Verde Canyon near Sedonna AZ to ride the train. Being suckers for a train ride we jumped in with both feet.

Somewhere between the cruise and the train ride we got together with the people selling the new “Park Model” we are buying and organized things a little more formally. Seems we will be moving in after our next little trip (Yes another one!) to Tucson for our old favorite Escapees Rally.

Up at O Dark 30 for the bus.
Great sunrise though!
The train ride was excellent, great scenery, a bar on board that served dark beer and Denis and RuthAnne for company. Unfortunately StarAnne and Ed couldn’t make it so we all had to have twice as much fun to make up for it.

Dennis and RuthAnn 

Barb and RuthAnne

Lots of pictures there!

The bird theme included the locomotive

Great train pictures

The Verde River that created the canyon

The rest of the train

Stunning desert scenery

Panaroamic open air car

I had hoped that the fates would leave us alone after the last year of woes, but shortly after we got back I started sneezing. That developed into a chest cold, and what a nasty one too. Almost like Bronchitis. Shortly after Barbara came down with the same thing so misery had company for a couple of weeks.

The Motorhome meanwhile had been at the RV dealer since October!! I made the mistake of telling them there was no hurry and apparently they took me at my word! It was the end of January when they called me to pick it up!!

Then when I got there (Luckily its just around the corner) they realized that they forgot to fix the rear AC unit we had asked them to do, so that added another couple of weeks.

Finally we went to pick it up.

I wasn’t happy. They had left all the trash in the vehicle, it was coated inside with dust, they left off a cover plate in one of the basement storage areas, the drivers power seat didn’t work and neither did the turn signals!

This shop is usually pretty good, I guess they have had some staff turn over as there were several new faces. That happens with RV shops.

After I read the riot act they were extremely apologetic and promised to get on it right away, which they did. A day later everything was working again and clean.

We needed to get it sorted out for the Rally.